Air parameters that are good to monitor to live healthy

There are several air parameters that are good to monitor and know to see if we really live in a healthy environment. These are mainly temperature, humidity, CO2 concentrations, VOC concentrations (volatile organics), PM2.5 and PM10 dust (fine flying dust) and the number of positive and negative ions. In the following, we tried to bring some of the factors closer to you and give you some advice on how to avoid pollutants in the air.

The 'Fine Dust' case

In Germany, the issue of fine dust is currently being addressed in relation to the issue of air quality. According to a report by the country's public television, it kills around 120,000 Germans a year, and one of its biggest sources is agriculture. They claim that the dust binds to ammonia produced by cows. This report refers to an as yet unpublished study by the prestigious Max Planck Institute. It also allegedly states that so-called fine dust kills more people in Germany than smoking, and almost half of it is caused by agriculture – especially animal farming.

Nothing new under the sun?

But the fight against flying dust is nothing new. In 2017, a study published in the journal Nature addressed a similar question. 14 research institutes from the United States, China, and Europe examined rates of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, lung tumors, and other chronic respiratory diseases in 228 countries. They compared their findings with the concentration and models of the spread of flying dust. In particular, it was recommended to establish a regional policy that would regulate air quality appropriately and tax polluting emissions. The aim is to prevent companies from moving to countries that do not have strict environmental laws to improve air quality.

Is there a prevention?

If you are asking whether there is a prevention that we can and can influence in relation to the air quality around us, we have some tips. First of all, it is necessary to ventilate in your houses even in winter. If you live in a big city, however, air purity can be a problem. We spend 90% of our time inside buildings, and the quality of the air we breathe both at home or in the office or in other areas is important. This problem finds solutions in ionization devices that can be installed indoors in several ways. Ionization technology mimics the natural way of air purification on the principle of electronic enrichment of air particles. Just like the air is cleared after a storm.

High efficiency ionization equipment technology

Our active ionization system effectively acts on odics and harmful substances present in the air in both the domestic and working environments. It contributes to the creation of an ion balance typical of the natural environment and improves the psychophysical well-being of people. The ionization equipment can also be set up in recovery distribution systems to treat the air inlet and automate the entire operation. Mobile ionization units without the need for installed air conditioning in the building are also an option. Learn more about technology here.

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